Music | Insight | Overview | Act I | Act II |
The events depicted in this theater presentation are fictional and any similarity to other events occurring between 1953 and the present is purely coincidental. All characters are also fictional, including those of Ike Eisenhower, Bert Einstein, Chuck Ives and Todd Rundgren. Any similarity between these characters and the actual persons whose names I have borrowed is unintentional and purely coincidental.
Special thanks to Todd Rundgren (a personal idol) and Zoo World Magazine who played an important part in the formulation of the latter part of Act II.
The Players |
I Mall Juliette Mall/Angela Jones Mall Henry Mall/Todd Rundgren Dr. David Orson/Rod Manger Ike Eisenhower/Spike Jones Bert Einstein/Isaac Daly Chuck Ives/Osgood Martin Judith Abrey (video appearance)/Rocky's Mother Hardy Rochester/Hardy Rochester II (Video appearance) William Graham III (Video appearance) Network Voice Rocky (Non-speaking part) Other Non-speaking Parts Clown I Clown II Mixed Chorus (Out of which is lifted the female chorus for "When The Kid Gets Heavy") |
Act I | |
1953 | Scene one - A hospital room/ A delivery room |
1953 | Scene two - Waiting room adjoining hospital room |
1953 | Scene three - Hospital room |
1953 | Scene four - Hospital room |
1963 | Scene five - The playground at the local school |
1963 | Scene six - The Mall Home (living room and outdoors) |
1968 | Scene seven - I's bedroom |
Act II | |
1974 | Scene one - The living room of a house where the band practices |
1974 | Scene two - The stage of an auditorium |
1975 | Scene three - Back stage and main stage of an auditorium |
1975 | Scene four - Back stage of an auditorium |
1984 | Scene five - Living room of I Mall's house |
2015 | Scene six - Living room of I Mall's house |
2017 | Scene seven - I.B.C. Network studio |
2019 | Scene eight - Stage of an auditorium |
2019 | Scene nine - Back stage of the auditorium |